Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kites, mowers, and swimming

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Opa and Oma gave the kids some fun gifts to enjoy for the summer. The boys LOVE their mowers. They spend most of their time traveling up and down the sidewalk. Ryan thinks we should attach a blade so he doesn't have to mow! Kiera loved her kite, once it got windy. We figured out that in order to get the wind to stop in the midwest, you purchase a kite. There wasn't a stitch of wind for 3 days...I may just start stockpiling kites. We also took the kids swimming which they LOVED. The downside is that I can't go by myself. They love to put their faces in the water which makes them tip over. It would be a little too nerve-wracking on my own!

1 comment:

Nate and Lisa said...

Way too cute. Too bad the mowers can't really cut grass, huh?