Friday, October 23, 2009

H1N1: 4 Link Family: 1

Despite all my best efforts, our family was hit hard by the H1N1. Last Tuesday Ryan and I started suffering cold symptoms. We tried to beat it with Airborne, but my body gave in Thursday night. For 3 days I was in bed sleeping and feeling absolutely HORRIBLE. Ryan took Friday off to care for the kids and I did not emerge until Sunday night. Thankfully Ryan's mom was able to come on Sunday as Ryan had a pretty full day at church. Ryan was able to fight off the cold symptoms and avoid the dreaded flu. By Monday, I was feeling 100% better other than a bad cold but then Caleb started coughing and running a fever. Monday night I took him to the ER with a very high fever and rapid breathing. They basically did nothing but look at him, give him some motrin, and send us home. I got home about 2 am, and by 3:30, Kiera was up saying she was sick. So, Tuesday and Wed. were spent battling the flu which means cranky kids, lots of medicine to hand out and keep straight, keeping everyone hydrated, and trying not to let Joel get sick. Ryan had left on Tues. for Grand Rapids to a Staff Ministry Comm. Mtg. Ryan's mom and I tag teamed and managed to keep our heads above water. Kiera had a terrible cough the entire time and we tried to battle it with typical home remedies (sitting in a steamy bath, sitting outside in the cold for hours, honey....) but by Thurs. I was sick of not sleeping and Kiera throwing up everytime she coughed. I took Caleb and Kiera to the Dr. Thursday morning and found out that they had developed secondary pneumonia from the flu. Now they are on antibiotics and starting to get better. However, Joel now has the flu. Thankfully the other 2 are starting to feel better and are less cranky. Ryan is home again and we are trying to find that "normal" feel again. Supposedly it takes 7 days after the last symptom that we are no longer contagious. So we have many days left hanging out at home and avoiding the public. I am getting tired of being housebound and weary of the sick battle. I have lots of respect for parents who battle this everyday. We hope that all of you are staying healthy. Keep our family in your prayers that we will all heal quickly and that Joel will not develop pneumonia also. A very special thanks to Mom Link for all your help...we would have never survived without you!!!!

1 comment:

Laura E said...

Oh Shari! That sounds miserable! I'll be praying that you will all be feeling much better quickly and be able to get outside and be social again. It stinks to be all cooped up!