Monday, January 5, 2009

Kiera is picking up on some things...

This was Kiera's first attempt at feeding her baby. For some reason she got the idea that you feed through your elbow!

Pretty soon she had it all figured out...just like mommy!

A good little mommy!



Joel on left, Caleb on right.


DeVlieger Family said...

Hello Sheri-
The babies are so cute!! I would love to take pictures of them. We just saw Valerie and she gave us your site information. It is fun to see what you guys are doing. If you would like to look at is Abby used to do that same thing but with cups...because I was pumping. Funny what they pick up on!!

Anonymous said...

Hey,Ryan and Sheri...I have finally succeeded in leaving a comment! (Thanks for "fixing" it, Sheri.) The pics are priceless and hold lots of precious memories already, even with the boys as young as they are. Keep 'em coming as we love staying current. Some of your pics are on Grandpa and Grandma's new digital picture frame. Love you guys, Mom R.

Laura E said...

Hey Sheri, thanks for all the advice! I was going to talk to you about the belt thing because I was thinking I'm going to need one by the end of this process! I'm not sure how many weeks ahead I'm measuring. We haven't been to the doc in about a month, but we go in tomorrow, so I'll get some questions answered then. Good advice on the diapers. We've started to stockpile a few, but we should continue to get more. When people ask me what I want at my shower, I tell them, "Diapers!!" How long were you in the #1s? We're hoping to get a variety of sizes, but everyone seems to get the 1s. We should get our parents toether so they can carpool out here (I'm assuming they still live in Washington?).

I'd still like to get together with you and just ask your advice on things. Is there a certain time/day that works best for you and your family? If you have some time to spare, I'd be willing to hold a baby so you could give me some much-needed advice! :)

Again, thanks for stopping by the blog and making a comment.

Laura E said...

Hi Sheri, I'm definately interested in your dress! Could you bring it to church on Sunday? We're probably going to the late service, so I'm not sure what you're planning. Otherwise, if you give it to Ryan to leave at the church office, I can stop by and pick it up there on Monday or Tuesday. If I don't see it at church on Sunday, I'll assume it's at the office. Thanks for the offer! We'll have to get together sometime.