Wednesday, December 7, 2011

To my youngest: Joel

When I think about what to write for Joel, his little dimple and quick smile come to mind. Joel is always quick to smile and definitely shows his emotions a lot quicker than Caleb. You are very giving with your hugs and kisses and will just come up to me and say "I love you mommy!" You make us so happy! Lately, you have learned to cry on command as soon as someone takes something of yours and you are quite effective with this method!

You, Joel, are my little chatterbox. I thought that Kiera would take the cake in our family, but you are definitely giving her a run for her money! You are always asking questions and stating the obvious just to be heard. I love to hear you and Caleb chat in the car. You are always asking him questions or pointing things out to him. The funniest part is that you always say his name when talking to him. You definitely talk more than Caleb and I love hearing your high pitch voices chatting away behind me!

You are definitely more needy than Caleb. You need much more attention from mommy and prefer to spend time around people than by yourself. You are quite hesitant to go anywhere alone and have quite the separation anxiety for story hour and children's church. We started taking you to church because you HATE the nursery.

You are quite the leader and tend to be the organizer between you and Caleb. You generally decide what is played, where it's played, and how long. Caleb is quite content to just follow you around...except when you dictate that whatever you are doing is over!

You are my little snacker. Every morning when you and Caleb watch Caillou, you always come upstairs midway with a silly grin on your face and say "can I have a fruit snack...and one for Caleb"? Its so hard to resist that little grin and generous nature. You always share and want to make sure that whatever you get, Caleb will get as well. We took you to the Dr. recently because you had pneumonia, and we were there for 3 hours without Caleb. You received a sticker from the Dr. and asked if you could get one for Caleb & Kiera as well. And when we stopped at the pharmacy, you were quite upset that you only got one sucker and said to me that "Caleb will be so sad he didn't get a sucker". Your concern for others already at such a young age just warms my heart. I hope that you continue to be this caring and sensitive to others needs! The best part of that Dr. visit was coming home and hearing you and Caleb "catch up" on the 3 hours you were apart...I don't think either of you stopped talking for over an hour! It was so precious! You wore your Dr. visit like a badge of honor!

Joel, you love Lightning McQueen, cars, trains, legos, and GeoTracks. You like to play outside, but don't have quite the attention span that Caleb has. You prefer to do more things for less amount a time than stick with one thing forever. You love playing with Kiera as well, but get sick of pretending after awhile. You usually come to find mommy and see if you can help or just to give me a hug and a snuggle. I love your silly grins and your funny faces. You can make the funniest expressions and KNOW you are being funny!

You love ice cream, pancakes, spaghetti, corn, salisbury steak, and meat potatoes & vegetables! You are generally the one who will ask what's for supper and then just say "I'll go to my room"...knowing that you don't like it and have to go to your room if you don't eat it. You are a little stinker sometimes!

You are much more attached to your binky and need at least 4 when you go to bed. Every morning you come to tell me that Caleb is ready to get down from his bunk. Sometimes he isn't even awake, but because you are, then he needs to be. You love routine and don't like things to change too much. You love spending time with daddy and always ask to go in his shop to play with his tractors. You love to wrestle and play games.

Joel, you are such a precious part of our family and we love your generous personality, loving nature, and ready smile. We love you so much and are so very proud of you!!!

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