Once upon a time there was a princess named Cinderella...
Her evil stepmother kept her from making friends. But that did not stop her. She made friends with the little mice in her tower room...
Joel (the thirsty mouse)
Caleb (the sleepy mouse)
One dark cold night, they decided to visit the towns people for some candy...but the mice did not want to wear their ears...
After much whooping and hollering by the step-parents and quick footwork and picture taking, they managed to get these shots...
(notice Caleb's tail and he's stepping on his cheese tie)
Then they all went out in the night to get their candy.
They returned with much loot and very full of sugar. Then Cinderella tucked them in bed and patted their heads and said; "Sleep well my mice friends for tomorrow we snack!"
The End
That is a super cute story!
Love it! You are so creative and a very FUN Mom!
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